Guest Fighter: In ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare, joining Earthworm Jim and Boogerman as the third guest in this fangame.He also stars as a character in Another Kung Fu Girl Z's story.
The Cameo: Basara-kun's Eric has him as Assist Character. Brick Break: Breaks a thrown wooden board in his intro. Boring, but Practical: He's far from being the flashiest character and lacks long-range or projectile attacks, but his moveset with specials, supers, a throw, a Double Jump, and a Defend Command is generally able to take on most opponents if the player uses him well. Bare-Fisted Monk: The only attacks he has are attacking with punches or kicks. Badass Normal: Doesn't even use fireballs or ki powers! Despite this, he somehow does have the inexplicable ability to Double Jump. There're some KFM versions in which MUGEN creators recreate him with new and different sprites in different styles: in SNK style (a KOF edit of Ryo Sakazaki with Joe Higashi), in anime (redrawn by OGGY, the creator of Ryuko) and even as CVS2 Akuma (a sprite Palette Swap called as "Kung Fu Fan" with all KFM moves, which is an Akuma clone with all KFM moves.). Most notably seen between his first and second version, which made him less Gonk and with a black t-shirt below the gi, being this version used for the next version for 1.0. Despite his basic gameplay and shallow level of code, (to help beginners learn the programming language) or perhaps because of them, he remains a significantly popular character, with countless edited versions of him by innumerable creators across the community. The quintessential "template" character for MUGEN, Kung Fu Man is a martial artist who fights to rescue his girlfriend from the evil Suave Dude. "You must defeat Tu Shou to stand a chance."